Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

Learn about the benefits of RPO on Broadleaf’s Recruitment Process Outsourcing blog. Our blog contributors are recruitment experts and they provide all the resources you need to determine if an RPO strategy is the key to success for your organization.

Navagating RPO V1

The massive disruption and crippling change in the labor market are creating widespread workforce instability across all industries. Organizations are contending with The Great Resignation and a severe talent shortage. How can recruiting teams best move forward in this difficult candidate-driven labor market? For many, the answer is Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), and our latest…

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women operating a computer

As the busy holiday season draws closer, retailers and e-commerce businesses are gearing up for the hiring period that lies ahead. Recruiters and HR professionals will begin to hire hundreds—if not thousands—of workers in the weeks ahead. Preparing for Surges in Retail Hiring with RPO What should leaders in the retail and e-commerce space expect…

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BLR Blog Image Changing

Given today’s ever-changing business landscape, your business may be experiencing some transitions. Broadleaf’s FlexRPO solutions are designed to be as agile and scalable as you need them to be. As your dedicated recruitment partners, we’ll work with your team to deploy custom RPO solutions that solve your specific recruiting needs by delivering high quality candidates to enhance…

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RPO, fact vs. fiction

What You Need to Know About RPO In recent weeks, our team at Broadleaf has observed a significant rise in recruitment process outsourcing inquiries, proposals, and newly awarded customer contracts. As organizations are quickly looking to replenish their workforces, many talent acquisition leaders are leveraging RPO solutions to augment their talent acquisition teams. Despite the…

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BLR In The Know

At Broadleaf, our teams are always keeping tabs on the latest workforce trends and developments. As experts in the total talent management space, we are committed to keeping our clients attune with the latest happenings across a breadth of industries. In our latest E-Book compilation, we studied the growing prevalence of recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)…

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Broadleaf Blog Image_Silicon Valley_0929

The outbreak of COVID-19 has spurred a tremendous work-from-home push around the globe, particularly among some of the world’s largest tech giants. The likes of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and countless other companies have announced long-term – or even indefinite – remote work policies. While virtual workplaces will undoubtedly remain prevalent for years to come, the…

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