Diversity & Inclusion

A diverse and inclusive workplace benefits everyone. Learn more about supplier diversity and inclusive hiring practices from the experts at Broadleaf Results.

Regular post women

The pandemic turned the world upside down with layoffs and resignations concentrated in female-dominated fields and massive school and daycare closures primarily affecting working mothers. Adding to this, a recent McKinsey & Company Women in the Workplace 2022 study found that men significantly outnumber women at the manager level, directly impacting the availability of women…

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Regular post diversity1

Business leaders have a lot of questions about how to diversify their supply chain—but not as many answers as they’d like. To bridge that gap, here are some ways you can support your supplier diversity program. 1. Be proactive. Most of us understand how important diversity is to sustaining a well-balanced society, and savvy businesspeople apply…

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Regular post diversity

As our nation’s climate has recently shown a strong sensitivity toward diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, more organizations are employing strategies focused on diversity within their supply chain. The heightened calls for social justice around the world have impacted the role of Managed Service Programs (MSP) in diversity candidate sourcing and tracking in…

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group of diverse people standing around a table

Promoting an inclusive workplace has become a key point of emphasis for organizations across the world. As businesses cater to candidates from all walks of life, they must ensure that this talent feels welcomed, accepted, and—most importantly—valued within their company culture. At Broadleaf, we have witnessed DEI initiatives becoming greater priorities within many of our…

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