Independent Contractor Compliance (ICC)

Independent contractor compliance takes all the hassle out of managing contract workers in compliance with IRS regulations. Broadleaf’s independent contractor compliance blog will give you all the information you need to successfully manage your population of independent contractors.

IC Law

At Broadleaf, we know how hard it can be for business owners, employers, and staffing agencies to manage their contingent workforce—especially in 2020. In this new decade, IC laws are making an impact in some of the nation’s most populous states. What’s more, the impact of these laws is being felt nationwide—for better or worse….

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Broadleaf Blog Image Three hot topics

For those of you who missed it, Broadleaf’s President & CEO Lynne Marie Finn hosted a panel of industry professionals at the CWS Summit North America in San Diego, California. What did we learn? What are HR and procurement pros talking about? Well, we already know that total talent management (TTM) solutions are dominating the…

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There is a lot said in the staffing industry about independent contractor compliance, and one of the most cited emotions that companies use to induce action regarding compliance is fear. While it is reasonable to fear an IRS audit, it is better to have the processes in place to ensure all of your resources are…

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