Broadleaf’s President Named to Power 100

Lynne Marie Finn, President & CEO of Broadleaf Results, Inc., has once again made Staffing Industry Analysts’ 2016 Global Power 100 – Women in Staffing list. This list represents the 100 most influential women in the North American and European staffing industries, and highlights those women who have made a difference in the workforce solutions sector.

 “They are not all CEOs, but they are all trailblazers who have evolved business models, made changes and led their firms to profitability,” Subadhra Sriram, publisher & editor, media products, at Staffing Industry Analysts, writes in Staffing Industry Review magazine. “The good news is that their numbers are growing. And advances are being made on different fronts.”

Finn is one of only 50 women from North America featured in this publication.

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