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  • E-Book RPO Playbook for Retailers & E-Commerce Businesses

    RPO Playbook for Retailers & E-Commerce Businesses

    In today’s rapidly changing and hyper-competitive labor market, the shallow labor pool for frontline retail workers can significantly hinder retail business success. Retailers are challenged with recruiting the best and most customer-centric talent to meet seasonal hiring needs. To solve these talent problems, integrating RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) or RPO hybrid models into an overall...
  • E-Book TTM: How TTM Solutions Impact Procurement and HR Teams

    TTM: How TTM Solutions Impact Procurement and HR Teams

    Today’s talent landscape is rife with peaks and valleys. While the talent pool is shrinking, nontraditional employment opportunities are growing. As a consequence, more employers are filling open job vacancies with contingent workers, which are any workers who do not receive a W2 directly from their employer (temporary workers, freelancers, independent contractors, and statement of...

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